Drug Paraphernalia Possession
Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia Defense Attorney
If you are facing drug paraphernalia charges in the Frisco Municipal Court, our experienced criminal defense attorney can help. The charge of possession of drug paraphernalia may seem like an insignificant criminal charge; however, a conviction for drug paraphernalia will result in a permanent criminal history record for the person accused. Further, even though this offense is punishable by a fine only, it is often connected to a higher level criminal offense for a related charge of possession of marijuana, possession of a controlled substance or possession of a dangerous drug.
We Want Your Case Dismissed
Our No. 1 goal is to get your possession of paraphernalia charge dismissed. That should be your goal as well. You don’t want a conviction for a drug-related offense to tarnish your criminal history. The last thing you need is for this to come up on a background check and to have to explain this to your employer or prospective employer. Employers take drug-related charges very seriously. We also take them seriously, and so should you.
Hire An Experienced Drug Paraphernalia Defense Attorney
A criminal defense attorney experienced in handling drug and paraphernalia possession cases may be able to get your case dismissed. Dismissal of the paraphernalia charge means it can later be cleared from your criminal record by an expunction. It also means that you avoid conviction and the risk that such a criminal record poses to current or future employment. There is no reason to risk your future over this type of charge. You need the help of an experienced criminal lawyer. Attorney Waren Price at The Price Firm, PLLC, has helped countless clients over the past 20 years with drug and paraphernalia charges.
The charge of possession of drug paraphernalia may arise from many different criminal activities. It most often relates to items used to package an illegal drug or to ingest that drug. This commonly includes empty baggies, pipes, e-cigarettes, grinders or rolling papers for marijuana. It may also include pipes, baggies, syringes, spoons, lighters and straws for other substances like cocaine and methamphetamine. We’ve defended cases involving all of these items and many other types of paraphernalia. Let us defend your Frisco Municipal Court drug paraphernalia charge.
Items commonly alleged as drug paraphernalia:
- Baggies
- Pipes
- Grinders
- Rolling papers
- E-cigarettes
- Bongs
- Syringes
- Spoons
- Lighters
- Straws
Let Us Stand Between You And The Courts
While many police agencies are more and more often choosing to forego arrest or citation for possession of drug paraphernalia, the Frisco Police Department continues to cite and arrest accused citizens for this criminal offense within the city of Frisco. Following your arrest or citation, the paraphernalia case will be referred to the Frisco Municipal Court where you will have to answer and defend this criminal accusation. Hiring a criminal defense attorney experienced in defending drug and paraphernalia charges will put you in the best position for a favorable outcome in your case. It also eliminates the uncertainties and dangers of trying to represent yourself.
You Stay Home While We Go To Court
Taking time off from work to meet with an attorney or to appear in court is sometimes not an option for people. We can often handle all matters related to our representation of an accused in a paraphernalia case without you ever having to set foot in our offices. Also, we can generally eliminate the need for you to ever appear in court. Our attorney can appear for you. We will get most of the information that we need from you over the phone. Documents necessary to begin our representation of you can be exchanged by email. If you want to visit with us in person, we will schedule an appointment to answer all your questions. Let us help you with your Frisco drug paraphernalia case.
Contact Us Today For Your Free Consultation.