DWI/DUI Defense
If You’ve Been Arrested For DWI, We Can Help
If you have been arrested for driving while intoxicated, you could be facing many serious penalties, including loss of license, excessive fines, court costs, administrative penalties and mandatory jail sentences.
Attorney Waren Price at The Price Firm, PLLC, in Plano understands what you are facing. He represents Texans accused of DWI or DUI with solid and unyielding legal representation. He can help you.
Why Was I Arrested?
If you are pulled over by a police officer and that officer has reason to believe that you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, then you will likely be asked to submit to a series of field sobriety tests. These tests commonly include the walk and turn, the one leg stand, and the horizontal gaze nystagmus test. If you refuse to perform these tests as requested, then you are likely going to jail. If you perform the tests but fail to perform them to the satisfaction of the officer, then you are still likely going to jail. These are tests that law enforcement will argue are standardized tests that yield objective results. Unfortunately, they aren’t objective and are rarely administered in the correct manner. The result is that a lot of people go to jail on very shaky evidence.
Unlike blood and breath tests, these so-called sobriety tests do nothing to actually determine an individual’s blood alcohol level. Instead, they attempt to test someone’s physical abilities. These tests are administered to build a case against the individual accused of DWI. Even if an individual is not legally intoxicated, a number of factors can cause the failure of one or more of these tests – flashing squad car lights, bad weather, a person’s age and physical abilities, being tired and general nervousness. Unfortunately, you will not be given the benefit of the doubt. If you fail one or more of these tests, you are likely going to jail. The experienced criminal defense attorney can help.
What If I Passed The Breath Test?
After you are arrested for driving while intoxicated, you will be asked to provide a sample of your breath or blood for testing. It is illegal for a person to operate a motor vehicle with an alcohol concentration of .08 or above. What if you take a test and the alcohol concentration is below .08? It is not unusual for a person to be arrested for DWI but to later take and pass a breath or blood test. While you may have a very good defense depending on how far below the limit you are, simply blowing under the limit does not necessarily mean the case will be dropped. The prosecutor and police officer may argue your blood alcohol was likely higher while driving or they may simply argue that you had lost the normal use of your mental or physical faculties because of the alcohol or drugs in your system. Either way passing the test does not automatically mean you get a free pass. The experienced DWI attorney will work with to craft a defense that will help the jury see past the smoke and mirrors presented by the state.
Will I Get Convicted?
Now ask yourself – was your criminal drunk driving arrest legitimate? Was there a legitimate reason for you to be stopped? Did the police officer gather evidence through field sobriety tests? Were you arrested even though you performed the tests as the officer instructed? All too often when a police officer contacts a driver and smells alcohol, that driver is going to jail regardless of how much he or she has actually had to drink. Most police officers are very reluctant to let a driver back on the road when they know the driver has been drinking. That means if you are stopped and found to have been drinking then there is a high probability that you are going to jail. Luckily, just because you were taken to jail does not necessarily mean that you are guilty. Your goal now should be to avoid conviction and punishment that you do not deserve. You will need an attorney with the experience to get you through this process with the result that you deserve.
Plano DWI/DUI defense lawyer Waren Price at The Price Firm, PLLC, provides DWI/DUI defense to residents of Collin County, Dallas County and Denton County who have been arrested and/or charged with driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. He has handled hundreds of DWI cases throughout his career and is thoroughly familiar with prosecution strategies and how to craft a defense that benefits his clients.
If you were arrested for driving while intoxicated, the first thing you should do is contact a criminal defense lawyer. Working quickly to secure any available evidence is critical in achieving the successful resolution of any DWI case. Attorney Waren Price works closely with clients accused of DWI and DUI in order to mount the most aggressive defense possible.
We’re On Your Side
Please contact attorney Waren Price for a free initial consultation. Experienced representation is just a phone call away.
Request Your FREE DWI Consultation.