Substance abuse can sometimes be the reason a marriage fails. One spouse may grow tired of dealing with the other when they come home drunk or high. They may feel frustrated over the amount of money going to a partner's addiction. Ironically, the very issue that may...
Year: 2024
Why people preparing for divorce often hire forensic accountants
Some people approach divorce with a perspective that doesn’t serve their well-being. They have many uncomfortable emotions that can prevent them from making rational decisions that prioritize their long-term goals and needs. For example, they may focus on getting the...
What is a valuation date for marital investments?
The more property that people share during marriage, the harder it tends to be when it becomes time to divide those assets during divorce. Contrary to what people often hear about community property rules, a straightforward 50/50 split of all marital property isn't...
Who gets “the season tickets” in a Texas divorce?
In Texas divorces, dividing assets can be a complex process, sometimes especially regarding non-traditional property like season tickets. Whether the issue involves tickets to professional sports games, concerts or theater performances, season tickets are often highly...
How therapy can help children after their parents divorce
For children, the divorce of their parents may be their first real traumatic experience. It can be difficult to watch their parents fighting. Even if the adults in the family do their best to shield their children from their conflicts, divorce can alter a child's...
How Property Division May Define Your Financial Future
The divorce process is always difficult. When couples decide to end their marriage, they face several challenges. One of them is property division. This is not only a matter of who gets the car or the house. It can redefine the stability and financial outlook of...
Taking the pressure off of children during a divorce
For children, the divorce of their parents can be a profoundly challenging experience. Divorce can be destabilizing for a family. It can shake a child's sense of self-esteem. It can also saddle them with a feeling of guilt, as it is common for children to blame...
What to know about retirement resources in a gray divorce
With people living longer than ever and enjoying higher standards of living, retirement is much more expensive than it once was. People need to save for years to afford retirement. Even then, they may be dependent on certain benefits programs. Many adults can only...
Coparenting when the kids are out for summer break
Many kids in Texas may look forward to the end of each school year, and they may be excited to enjoy the activities that accompany summer break. For parents, summer break can bring new challenges to scheduling needs, especially if there are two separate households to...
Essential components of effective parenting plan agreements
After deciding to dissolve a marriage, there may be many parents in Texas who feel that addressing the topic of child custody is one of the most stressful and daunting aspects of the process. As a parent, your priorities may involve taking every possible measure to...