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5600 Tennyson Parkway
Suite 385
Plano, TX 75024

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Compassion Commitment Experience
Photo of attorneys Waren Price and Eren Price

Case Results

Assault Causing Bodily Injury – CHARGES DISMISSED

The client was accused of punching another man following a verbal altercation during a pickup basketball game. Multiple witnesses gave statements against my client alleging an unprovoked attack. We were able to provide evidence of the otherwise good character of my client and the violent history and generally bad character of the complaining witness. The state agreed to reduce the case to a Class C, and the case was later dismissed.

Driving While Intoxicated – NOT GUILTY VERDICT

The client’s vehicle was parked beside the highway when she was first contacted by police. The client was allegedly asleep at the wheel and was difficult to wake by police. While being interviewed by police, the client admitted drinking and driving but claimed that she pulled over and parked. The client’s blood alcohol concentration was more than four times the legal limit. At trial, the evidence failed to prove that the client had operated a motor vehicle at a time when she was intoxicated, and a NOT GUILTY verdict was returned.

Felony Probation Violation – DISMISSED

The client was on felony probation and nearing the end of the sentence. New criminal charges were filed against the client in an unrelated matter. We were able to get the district attorney to hold off on revocation of the probation while we investigated the new charges. We were ultimately able to get the new charges NO BILLED by the grand jury, and prosecutors agreed to withdraw the probation violation. The client’s probation was ultimately successfully completed and the charges were DISMISSED.

Criminal Mischief – CHARGES DISMISSED

The client was charged with intentionally damaging the storefront of a shopping center business. The damage was alleged to be in retaliation for the mistreatment of a client by the store manager. The client was alleged to have engaged in this conduct repeatedly and was observed by police on the last occasion before being arrested. The client agreed not to ever go upon the premises and any restitution was provided.

Felony Assault/Domestic Violence – CHARGE REDUCED TO LESSER OFFENSE

The client was accused by an ex-girlfriend of assaulting her by striking her with his fist and choking her with his hands around her neck. Photographs taken by police investigators showed various injuries to her body, however, the injuries shown failed to corroborate the complainant’s account. The client was never even interviewed by the police. Prosecutors agreed to reduce the charge to a lesser offense and drop the “family violence” allegation. The client received time served from the court with NO ADDITIONAL JAIL TIME.

Fail To Remain At Scene Of Accident – CHARGES DISMISSED

The client was alleged to have been involved in a motor vehicle collision with another vehicle. The complaining party alleged that the client appeared intoxicated at the scene, so complainant called the police. Complainant alleged that the client then left the scene without providing the required information. Police later interviewed the client, and the client admitted involvement. We were able to demonstrate to prosecutors that the client attempted to provide the required information, however, complainant refused to cooperate and accept the information. All charges were subsequently dismissed.

Aggravated Assault With Deadly Weapon – CASE NO BILLED

The client was arrested and charged with threatening a neighbor with an ax. The client initially denied the use of the ax, but a neighbor had captured video of the incident on a cellphone. We were able to submit evidence to the grand jury of prior instances of aggression by the neighbor as well as a history of violence by the neighbor that was known to my client. Further, we were able to demonstrate to the grand jury that the client’s use of the ax did not constitute a threat as defined by the statute. The client was NO BILLED by the grand jury, and the case was DISMISSED.

Family Violence Assault – CHARGES DISMISSED

The client and client’s girlfriend became involved in a physical altercation following an argument over a cellphone and who the girlfriend was communicating with on the cellphone. The girlfriend alleged that the client struck her repeatedly in an effort to gain control of the cellphone. Police were called to the scene. The girlfriend sustained no visible injuries, but she did allege assault. The client had no criminal history. Following the execution of an affidavit of nonprosecution and a single counseling session, prosecutors agreed to drop all charges.


The client is stopped by police following an alleged traffic violation. Police allege that an odor of burnt marijuana was coming from inside the vehicle. Police questioned the client regarding the existence of any marijuana. The client allegedly directed the police to a baggie of marijuana located in the console of the car. The client has a history of arrests for marijuana. Prosecutors agreed to the conditional reduction of the charge to a Class c misdemeanor. No drug testing, no jail time and no probation were required.

Failure To Stop And Render Aid – CHARGES DROPPED

The client was alleged to have struck and injured a child on a bicycle in their neighborhood. The driver of the vehicle fled the scene of the accident. Police investigated. Based largely on the child’s description of the vehicle, police concluded that the client was the driver. The client insisted he was innocent. We submitted the client to a polygraph exam by a reputable polygrapher. The client passed the polygraph exam that confirmed the client was telling the truth. Police investigators declined to formally charge the client.

Terroristic Threat – CASE DISMISSED

The client was alleged to have called, harassed and threatened to kill the complainant over the phone. The client was charged with making a terroristic threat. Through the use of the client’s telephone records, we were able to show that the complainant and a third party were actually the ones calling and harassing the client and that no calls were placed by the client on the date of the alleged threat. Prosecutors dismissed all charges prior to trial.

Driving While Intoxicated – NOT GUILTY VERDICT

The client was stopped for driving without his headlights on. He was driving his wife’s car that evening. The client’s own car had automatic headlights, but his wife’s car only had daylights. Police subjected the client to a set of field sobriety tests. Police claimed that the client failed those tests. The client refused to submit to a breath test but was willing to take a blood test. Police declined to offer a blood test. We were able to effectively challenge the officer’s conclusion of intoxication at trial, and the jury returned a NOT GUILTY verdict.

Theft From An Elderly Person – CASE NO BILLED

The client was alleged to have engaged in a contract to perform services for a homeowner. The client received partial payment for those services. The client began the performance of the services. As the project neared completion, the client and homeowner became involved in a verbal disagreement as to how the job would be completed. The project terminated as a result. The homeowner alleged that the client accepted payment with no intention of completing the job. Police charged the client with theft from an elderly person. The grand jury agreed that this was not theft, and the case was NO BILLED.

Driving While Intoxicated – CHARGES DISMISSED

The client was pulled over by police on a routine traffic stop. Police claimed to smell an odor of burnt marijuana. The client initially denied any marijuana use. The client was forced to undergo standardized field sobriety testing and additional testing targeting the consumption of narcotics. Police arrested the client alleging he was intoxicated due to the ingestion of substances, and a blood test was conducted. The test results returned allegedly positive for illegal substances. Although positive for illegal substances, the quantities of each were relatively low. Prosecutors agreed to dismiss all charges.

Theft Of Property – CASE DISMISSED

The client was charged with theft after allegedly shoplifting from a department store. The client was not a United States citizen. The client had legally entered the United States but was required to leave before the case went to court. The client desired to resolve the case, but due to the existence of the criminal charges, the client was not allowed to travel from the country of client’s residence. After explaining the situation to prosecutors, they agreed to DISMISS the case on the condition that the client completes an online antitheft course. The client will later become eligible for expunction of the arrest record.

Family Violence Assault – CASE DISMISSED

The client’s wife called 911 and reported to the police that the client struck her across the face. Police arrived on the scene and interviewed both parties. The client was arrested and charged with assault. The client’s wife executed an affidavit of nonprosecution. By agreement with the prosecuting attorney, the client completed an eight-hour anger management class, and ALL CHARGES were DISMISSED.

Terroristic Threat And Interference With 911 Call – CHARGES DISMISSED

Police were called to the scene following a 911 hang-up. Police interviewed the client and his wife. The client’s wife told police that the client had threatened to kill her and had taken the phone from her hand when she attempted to call for help. The client’s wife ultimately signed an affidavit admitting that certain statements made to the police were not true. Evidence was also provided to prosecutors that the client’s wife was the aggressor and that she had been violent in the past. The case was set for trial, and prosecutors ultimately dismissed all charges.

Driving While Intoxicated – NOT GUILTY VERDICT

The client was found by police sleeping behind the wheel of his vehicle in a restaurant parking lot. The client was asked to submit to field sobriety tests to which he complied. Police concluded that the client was intoxicated, and he was taken to jail. At trial, officers testified that upon police contact and after being awakened, the client put his vehicle in gear in an attempt to leave the scene. We were able to present video evidence as to the operation of the client’s vehicle and its lighting system that disproved the officer’s testimony. The jury found the client NOT GUILTY.

Possession Of Marijuana – CASE DISMISSED

The client was charged with possession of marijuana. Following a traffic stop of the client’s vehicle, police discovered a smell of burnt marijuana coming from inside the vehicle. The client consented to a search of the vehicle. Police located a small baggie of marijuana located beneath the passenger’s seat. Additional paraphernalia was located within the vehicle. The client denied possession. The client had no criminal history and submitted to a urinalysis that tested clear of any illegal substances. Prosecutors agreed to dismiss the case.

Burglary Of A Habitation – CASE DISMISSED

The client was involved in a verbal altercation with a neighbor. It was alleged that the client forced her way into the neighbor’s apartment and assaulted the neighbor by striking the neighbor with her fists and a broom handle. Police investigated and took photographs of the neighbor’s injuries. The client was arrested for burglary of a habitation with intent to commit assault. We were able to provide third-party witness testimony that contradicted the neighbor’s account and demonstrated that the neighbor was the aggressor. Prosecutors DISMISSED ALL CHARGES.

Sexual Assault – CASE NO BILLED

The client was arrested and alleged to have committed sexual assault. The client denied any knowledge of the event. The incident was alleged to have involved a stranger. We were able to demonstrate that the client possessed certain physical characteristics that would have been apparent to the complainant had the client actually committed the offense. No such physical characteristics were described by the complainant following the assault. The client was NO BILLED by the grand jury.

Family Violence Assault – CASE DISMISSED

The client and his wife became engaged in a verbal disagreement. The client’s wife called 911 and alleged that the client had caused injuries to her hand and arm. Police arrived and photographed the wife’s injuries. The client was charged with assault. The wife later signed an affidavit of nonprosecution requesting that charges be dropped. The client had no criminal history and was otherwise a reputable person in the community. Prosecutors agreed to the dismissal of the charges upon the client’s completion of an online anger management class. The case was DISMISSED.


The client was arrested following a shoplifting incident at the mall. The client was contacted by loss prevention attempting to leave the store with stolen merchandise. Loss prevention officers attempted to recover the merchandise from the client. The client struck both loss prevention officers in the face and body repeatedly causing minor injury to each officer. The client had no prior criminal history. We were able to demonstrate extraordinary personal history to prosecutors which mitigated the client’s culpability. Prosecutors agreed to reduce the felony charges to lesser misdemeanor offenses. The client completed a short probationary period, and the cases were dismissed.

Family Violence Assault – NOT GUILTY VERDICT

The client and the complainant became involved in a verbal argument at the complainant’s residence. The client attempted to leave the residence. The complainant got possession of the client’s keys to his car. The client attempted to recover the keys using the least amount of force necessary. The complainant was injured in the process. Police arrived and photographed the complainant’s injuries. Police then went to the client’s place of employment and arrested him. At trial, we were able to catch the complainant repeatedly lying on the witness stand and that any injury to the complainant only occurred as the client attempted to lawfully recover his personal property. The jury returned a VERDICT of NOT GUILTY.

Possession Of Prohibited Weapon – CASE DISMISSED

The client was pulled over by police during a traffic stop. The client had outstanding warrants for arrest. The client was taken into custody. The client was found to be in possession of a set of knuckles. Police charged the client with possession of a prohibited weapon. We presented evidence to the state that the knuckles were simply a novelty item and were not possessed as a weapon. The client was asked to take an eight-hour online cognitive thinking class, and the case was DISMISSED.

Aggravated Assault With A Deadly Weapon – CASE NO BILLED

The client became engaged in a verbal altercation with the client’s spouse. Both had been drinking. The altercation escalated and the client got hold of a handgun and allegedly pointed the handgun in the spouse’s direction. The client’s spouse called the police. The police investigated the incident and placed the client under arrest for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Upon release from jail, the client was advised to undergo intensive treatment for alcohol dependence. We prepared the client’s spouse to testify before the grand jury as well as submit a packet regarding the client’s personal history. The grand jury agreed to NO BILL the case, and all charges were dismissed.

Fraudulent Identifying Information – CASE DISMISSED AND RECORD SEALED

The client was arrested and charged with fraudulent possession of identifying information. The client was caught on video using fraudulent information in a department store. Police investigated, and the client gave a statement to police confessing to the client’s involvement. The client accepted a reduced charge with a short duration of probation. We subsequently obtained for the client an early release from probation and then secured a nondisclosure of the client’s criminal history thereby sealing the client’s arrest record. The client is now a self-employed, entrepreneur and running a successful business.

Possession Of Marijuana – CASE REDUCED AND DISMISSED

The client was contacted by police during a traffic stop for a moving violation. Police detected an odor of burnt marijuana coming from inside the vehicle. The client admitted to having smoked marijuana. Police searched the vehicle and located a quantity of marijuana. We secured a reduction of the case to a Class C paraphernalia ticket, and the case was later dismissed. The client was very happy to have had NO JAIL TIME and NO PROBATION.

Aggravated Assault With A Deadly Weapon – CASE NO BILLED

The client became involved with another driver in a road rage incident. The incident continued into the parking lot of an area shopping mall. The other driver confronted the client in the parking lot of the mall. The client was a properly licensed and trained gun owner. The client, fearing for his safety, exhibited his weapon in a show of force toward the other driver. Police were called to the scene and concluded that the client had committed a criminal offense. The client was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. We successfully demonstrated to the grand jury that the client feared for his safety and used no greater force than was necessary to ensure his protection. The case was NO BILLED and the charges were DISMISSED.

Possession Of Weapon In Prohibited Place – NO BILLED

The client entered the DFW International Airport carrying a handbag that contained several items, including a weapon carried for the client’s protection. The client had forgotten that the weapon was in her bag. The weapon was in no way hidden and was easily discovered by TSA during standard screening for entry into the airport. The client was arrested and charged with possession of weapon in places weapons are prohibited. We were able to demonstrate to the grand jury that this was simply an accident and that the client had no intention of entering the airport with the weapon. The client had no other criminal history, and we provided an extensive history of the client’s good character. The matter was NO BILLED by the grand jury, and ALL CHARGES WERE DROPPED.