Probation Violations
Probation Violation Attorneys
Many people find after being placed on court-ordered probation that the terms of that probation become so burdensome that the probation becomes entirely unworkable. It has become quite common that even the most minor violation leads to modification of probation and the addition of conditions that were never bargained for. Probation officers have great power. They also have the authority of the trial court to back any conditions imposed on a probationer.
If you or your family member has found yourself facing probation revocation for alleged probation violations, we can help. Criminal defense attorney Waren Price has helped many clients repair the damage of mistakes that occurred during their probation and others who have been accused of probation violations that never occurred. He can help you as well.
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Felony Probation Violation
If you received probation on your case, then you were either given deferred adjudication probation or regular probation. Violation of your felony deferred adjudication can lead to adjudication, final conviction, a permanent felony criminal record or even prison time. A benefit of being placed on deferred adjudication probation is the opportunity to avoid a final felony conviction if you are able to successfully complete your probation. If, however, you are accused of a felony probation violation of your deferred adjudication, then the full range of punishment for the offense is available to the trial court judge. You can be revoked and receive up to the maximum sentence for your offense.
Penalties For Felony Deferred Adjudication Probation Revocation:
- 1st Degree Felony: 5-99 years or life in prison
- 2nd Degree Felony: 2-20 years in prison
- 3rd Degree Felony: 2-10 years in prison
- State Jail Felony: 180 days-2 years in state jail
A criminal defense attorney experienced in defending felony probation violations may be able to stop your probation revocation so that you can successfully complete your deferred adjudication and avoid conviction.
Misdemeanor Probation Violation
A misdemeanor probation violation can also carry serious penalties. Most misdemeanor probations, other than DWI, are deferred adjudications. Like the felony probations referenced above, violation of misdemeanor deferred adjudications means that the entire range of punishment is available to the judge in the event of revocation. That means that the judge can sentence you to whatever they want to give you. Let us help you with your misdemeanor probation violation. Our probation violation attorneys have more than 20 years of experience handling probation violation cases. He has prosecuted and defended them. He can help you.
Penalties For Misdemeanor Deferred Adjudication Probation Revocation:
- Class A Misdemeanor: Up to 365 days in jail
- Class B Misdemeanor: Up to 180 days in jail
Even a misdemeanor probation violation can land you back in jail for a very long period of time. Probation violation attorney Waren Price has helped many clients avoid a probation revocation and get back on track to the successful completion of their probation.
Other Penalties For Probation Revocation
If the violation of your felony deferred adjudication leads to the conviction of your offense, you will lose the ability to request a nondisclosure in order to seal your case. While not all deferred adjudications can be sealed by nondisclosure, those that can be sealed require successful completion of the deferred adjudication. An experienced felony probation violation attorney may be able to successfully fight your probation violation and help you avoid revocation.
Also, misdemeanor probations that are subject to nondisclosure also require successful completion of probation, whether that is deferred adjudication or regular probation.
Hire Our Successful Probation Violation Attorneys
If you are facing a probation violation, then you are at risk of being sent to county jail or to a state prison facility. You need an attorney on your side that has a track record of success in helping people who have faced that same risk. Criminal defense attorney Waren Price has that track record of success. Let The Price Firm, PLLC, help you like it has helped so many others.
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